How King & Co’s experienced, attentive agents, together with its up to date database and customised computer system, can help lease your property
Established in 1988, King & Co Property Consultants is SE Queensland’s premier agency, leading all others in the leasing of industrial real estate in a very competitive Brisbane market. For example, we are responsible for 40% of all City fringe/suburban industrial leases from the smaller unit to the larger warehouse.
At the heart of this position of leadership is an experienced staff of 6 leasing agents and their support personnel. A number have been with the company for over 30 years and all are encouraged to constantly upgrade their expertise.
To enhance client service, King & Co has long been at the cutting edge of computerisation. This is best reflected in our customised Informix database programme that rapidly matches prospective purchasers with properties for lease. Indeed, we can compile and email or fax a submission in a matter of minutes.
Currently, King & Co’s database offers more than 1,100 lease listings, all of which can be accessed by our staff via their electronic devices.
Each enquiry automatically receives a submission containing properties of similar parameters to those specified by the prospective tenant. With over 400 submissions sent out per year, we are confident a fair percentage will include your property and be received by the appropriate decision maker.
Most importantly, King & Co has 250+ permanent, company paid signs throughout Brisbane, signage being a major source of our leasing enquiries. This form of marketing can also be supplemented by client paid newspaper advertising, inclusion in our colourful brochures, four websites (including our own, regularly updated one @, E-brochures, database referrals, editorial coverage, telemarketing, “word of mouth” enquiries based on our reputation for quality listings and an aggressive brokerage style.
King & Co is successful because we are very good at what we do. This is constantly being documented in the press, whereby we regularly garner a disproportionate number of lease transactions and are often used as the basis for market commentary. Moreover, as a “good corporate citizen” King & Co has been in the forefront of putting a variety of industrial property relevant issues on the public and government agenda for debate.
Finally, but not least, King & Co provides its clients, both big and small, a large measure of old fashioned service by way of regular communication via letter, telephone, email or personal contact.
With the above in mind, we would be pleased to submit a formal proposal for the leasing of your property.