King & Co reports enquiry in Berrinba has been positive over the past 6 months, having achieved 82% of sales value in the growth precinct.
This recent activity in the Industrial Precinct, has confirmed there is strong interest in the location as businesses appreciate how they will benefit from the $500 million Logan Motorway enhancement program. It includes the upgrade, currently underway of the Wembley Road & Logan Motorway interchange. The upgrade will rectify the congestion issues the interchange has experienced over the past 10 years.
The 19ha Wembley Business Park offers ready to build on General Industry sites for sale. Motorway Business Park already has 2 pre-commitments in place with a further 2 speculative buildings planned for the 12ha Industrial Park.
Sales in Berrinba over the past 6 months include;
- 1.6ha development site ready to build on, at 368 Wembley Road
- 1,461m² tilt panel freestanding investment at 2 Siltstone Place
- 748m² tilt panel building at 8 Siltstone Place
- 748m² tilt panel building at 6 Siltstone Place
- 438m² tilt panel unit at 5/18 Prospect Place
- 401m² tilt panel unit at 3/18 Prospect Place
Group Property Director Mark Scammells sees a further strengthening on demand for Berrinba. It offers ready to build on sites as well as speculative buildings available, value added by Logan Motorway Enhancement Program. It will see Berrinba sit high on the site selection & feasibility lists of companies considering their future warehousing requirements in the Greater Brisbane region. Already major companies call Berrinba home, they include Toll, Ceva, All Purpose Transport & Stoddard Manufacturing to name a few.
Development planned for 368 Wembly Road